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Completed Use of ESSER I Funds

Thedford Schools was awarded $25,522.00 in ESSER Funds as a part of the Coronavirus Aid Relief and Economic Security Act 2020 (CARES Act).  We have completed the use of these funds and have been reimbursed for the following expenses:

     1) Replacement of four water fountains in order to include bottle fillers.
     2) Air purifiers for the locker rooms.
     3) Disinfectant foggers used to keep larger areas (gym space, cafeteria, playground) clean.
     4) No touch thermometers for office and buses to help with temperature checks as needed.
     5) Disinfectant solution for the foggers.
     6) Student and adult sized disposable and cloth face masks.
     7) Water bottles for students that may need them to encourage using the bottle fillers.
     8) Hand sanitizer dispensers for all classrooms and common areas.
     9) Chromebooks for high school students.

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